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A Quick Tip:  The PRC Method
(Pause, Reflect, Choose)

One of the easiest ways to make sure our “yes” or “no” responses line up with the life we want to be living is to NOT respond to a request in the moment.


You can PRC instead


PAUSE:   Create the space to think about what you are being invited to do. This may be as simple as saying “I’ll get back to you when I have some time to think about it.”  Give the other person a time frame, and keep your promise to get back to them.  Letting things dangle will not feel “good” to you or to the other person, erodes relationships, and creates unnecessary guilt!


REFLECT:  Really think about how saying yes would support the wellbeing you are creating, and whether you can “show up” with commitment.  Does this really align with what matters to you? With how you want to make a difference in the world? Is it something to which you want to be dedicating your time and attention?  Imagine yourself honoring an uninspected “yes” – what do your State of Mind, Vitality, Body and Emotions have to say?  How does that help you?


CHOOSE:  Make your choice based on what is really authentic and true for YOU.  What may be perfect for someone else may not align for you. When we are CLEAR our ability to offer a kind but firm “no” and a kind but firm “yes” becomes much easier.  A simple communication, like: “Thanks for agreeing to give me some time to consider  your invitation.  After really thinking it through, I find this won’t work for me.  I’m honored you thought of me.  I wish you success in finding exactly the right person!”


Then just say







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